Dr. Charles Bretan a life-long practitioner and student of Judaism and the co-founder and co-host of the A Jew and a Gentile podcast. He holds a doctoral degree in education from Nova Southeastern University and is a professor at Guilford Tech Community College. Dr. Bretan has taught across curricula for decades, including courses on English composition, business, education, scuba diving, and life-saving. A teacher of middle-schoolers, high-schoolers, undergraduate and graduate students, Dr. Bretan’s brings his love of education to his spirituality and his classroom.
Podcast music: “Firefly Memories” by Rewob, 2020 – Licensed under Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus.
One reply on “Dr. Charles Bretan, Jewish Practitioner”
I was inspired by this beautiful pod cast and now have a better understanding of who I am.